Friday 21 March 2014

(Evaluation) 7.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through filming our opening sequence I have realized that filming scenes in the correct way and using the camera and editing it in the best way takes a lot of time and concentration. Evidenced also by our preliminary, perfect editing takes concentration and time. Also technology isn't always reliable as we have had to re-upload film clips multiple times after uploading has proved unreliable at certain times. Also we have realised that lots of time is needed to complete the filming and editing process and it is something that cannot be rushed as mistakes will be made.

(Evaluation) 6. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Record and upload voice >>

(Evaluation) 5. How did you attract/address your target audience?

(Evaluation) 4. Who is the main target audience for your product?

Below is our survey that we handed out to around:
Although it's basic we wanted to keep it short so that we got the exact information we needed.

(Evaluation) 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As our film is not of as a high a quality as, for example, a Hollywood film and because it's not an action packed, family movie it may be better under an institute such as Warp Films. It uses film festivals and low-budget advertising to promote the film to mostly a UK audience and not so much internationally. The film is much more relatable to normal middle-class audiences so it may be promoted by word-of-mouth. They would distribute the film to the appropriate audiences in order to guarantee some popularity. 


(Evaluation) 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

 In our opening sequence all of the characters are in their early 20's. In a comical way it presents the naivity of young love as young people make a lot of mistakes while meeting and choosing the right people to trust in life. It is relatable for other young people with the way all the characters speak and dress. However I am presented in a stuck-up way which causes audiences to come to a pre-judgement automatically as they sense that I'm maybe a selfish character who is going to cause problems. The film is set in modern day and all characters are presented as typical middle-class characters to allow audiences of all ages to relate as they think 'oh, they're normal just like me'.